How to save money

save twice as much with these money building strategies

How to Save Money With 10+ Tips

There are multiple methods to save money that we’re going to go over. Methods like giving yourself a budget and eating at home more. If you follow these methods you might save more than twice as much.


Always save a fraction of any income if possible; even if it’s one percent. Make a savings plan and always have a savings account. Your savings should be at least 6 months worth of your annual income. Another good way to save a large amount is saving at least 20% of each paycheck.

Filter Needs From Wants

What this means is that you should only spend money on essential items like food, clothes, and shelter. Try to not spend your hard earned money on wants, like jewelry and video games if you need to save more money. Doing this will also inspire you to think more frugally.

Give Yourself A Budget

When you have a daily budget, spending too much becomes nearly impossible. Limit your budget according to your income. By creating a budget, you can also stick to a savings plan a lot easier. 

Emergency Fund

An emergency fund is an essential fund for when anything serious happens. It’s good to have at least half your annual income in an emergency fund. Emergencies will happen and it’s best to be prepared.

Find Cheaper Prices For Recurring Purchases

Map out all of your recurring purchases and hunt down a better price for all of them. This will save you a TON in the future. When searching for cheaper items and appliances always check online and local stores. You can also try trading apps like Facebook Marketplace, Offerup, Letgo, etc.

Other Tips To Save Extra

  • Pay your bills on time to avoid any overdraft
  • Eat at home more
  • Be more efficient with electricity and water
  • Save your tax returns
  • Switch to an electric or biofuel car
  • Stop bad spending habits